
How Osceola County, Florida saves $1.2 million in its public libraries

Osceola County, Florida, a long-time partner of LS&S, praises LS&S for their exemplary service in maintaining and improving their library system. Two key aspects, the consistency and quality of service provided by LS&S and the financial benefits accrued, demonstrate the value of the Library’s partnership with LS&S. LS&S’s commitment to maintaining and even enhancing the level of service offered to the community is commended by the community. Osceola County has confidence in LS&S’s ability to uphold the standards of the library system, ensuring that it continues to meet the many public needs and desires. The significant cost savings achieved through the County’s partnership with LS&S, an impressive $1.2 million in savings, provides the County security and confidence that they are making smart investment decisions. This financial efficiency is seen as a crucial factor in evaluating the success of outsourcing library services. Additionally, LS&S assists in developing future plans for the library system, indicating a forward-thinking approach to management. Overall, Osceola County’s testimonial underscores LS&S’s role as an invaluable partner in managing and improving the library system. The County’s dedication to service quality, financial savings, and strategic planning positions LS&S as an ideal choice for maintaining and enhancing library services in central Florida.