
The LS&S Difference: Employee Experiences

Employees and staff undergo transformative work experiences with LS&S. Initially hesitant about the change to LS&S partnership, employees find themselves pleasantly surprised as the transition gradually unfolds, preserving familiarity and empowering them with more autonomy. Unlike previous experiences where extensive justification was needed for projects, staff now enjoy the freedom to innovate and serve their community directly. Library partnership with LS&S brings flexibility, allowing focus on local needs. The abundance of resources and the encouragement of creativity foster a dynamic work environment where employees thrive. Opportunities for growth abound: staff are able to develop their skills and collaborate with a large peer group of library professionals. Collaboration among coworkers strengthens as they bond over projects and support each other in assisting library users. Despite initial concerns, the transition to LS&S enhances library employees’ ability to serve their community, allowing them to flourish in their roles and provide the best materials, services, resources, and more.