
Privately-Operated Public Libraries

Outsourcing public services to private companies is not new, as partnerships offer communities many benefits, including the examples set by libraries being managed by LS&S. Two key benefits are emphasized with privately-operated public libraries: quality of service and cost savings. Since managing libraries is challenging, entrusting operations to the library experts that make up LS&S help provide communities with the best public library services. If a private company can run a library with more focus on tailored services meeting local needs and efficient daily operations, why not choose that option? Many patrons at LS&S partner libraries don’t even realize their library is privately managed as it remains very locally connected to its city/county and home to community-focused programs and services. The notion that the private industry’s involvement in public services is detrimental to municipalities is challenged, particularly in today’s context where reducing government costs is essential. Partnering with private firms can lead to cost savings and the development of innovative services. Embracing private contractual arrangements with expert firms like LS&S as a means to enhance public services showcases embracing a reduction in government expenditures and realizing positive outcomes.